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Gartner Park – Naperville, Illinois

Gartner Park – Naperville, Illinois

Located in the heart of Naperville, Illinois, Gartner Park is a picturesque natural escape from the hustle and bustle of downtown. Named after the Gartner Family, who farmed the land in the area for generations, the park has been at the center of many outdoor recreational activities for residents and visitors alike. Visitors to the park can find themselves immersed in the natural beauty of its more than 250 acres filled with forested areas, wetland habitats, and trails winding through its many nooks and crannies. Beyond these natural sights, those looking for an efficient way of exercising can find plenty of activities available in Gartner Park. From walking, running, and biking trails to sports courts, Gartner Park is the perfect place for both active and leisurely pursuits. Information concerning Naperville, IL can be discovered here.

Starting with its physical features, Gartner Park is home to 11 distinct ecosystems with a vast array of flora and fauna species. At the park’s entrance is the Wetland Forest, populated by willows, dogwoods, and sumac. Not far away, the Pine-Oak Woods section of the park is the perfect spot to explore the delicate ecosystems of local pines, oaks, and shagbark hickories. Elsewhere, the prairie grasslands provide a vast open expanse, while the Central Marsh serves as an important stopover area for migrating birds and other wildlife. Those interested in exploring the more specialized areas of the park should also check out the Dragonfly Pond, a thriving habitat for dragonflies, and the Grassy Gully, a shallow riparian ravine. Discover facts about Springbrook Prairie Forest Preserve in Naperville, IL.